Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's VSN Olympics

Hey bloggers. Yesterday was a sewing day and a stamping day. I think I accomplished much.

My niece is expecting a baby in a couple of weeks, so I wanted to make some bibs for her. I had them all cut out and pinned, so yesterday I sewed them up.

Since the Basement Fabric Shop didn't have anything even remotely resembling cute little bunnies, chicks, and lambs, I went with completely non-traditional colors and fabrics. Here are a few of them. I made twelve altogether and they are all reversible. I hope she likes them.

This weekend is virtual stamp night (VSN) with an olympic theme on SCS. The challenges started last night with 5 challenges, and there will be 11 more today starting at 11:00 CT. My family was at the athletic club playing wallyball, so that meant I could stamp without interruption and managed to get all FIVE! (Yay!) challenges completed and uploaded. If you've never played VSN, you should give it a try. It's fast-paced and fun. You have 45 minutes to complete each card, which, for me, forces me to stop dithering and get something together. Given that time frame, you know these are not going to over the top kind of cards, but it is still possible to make something acceptable.

I was definitely in a blue mode (not mood, just in case you're wondering at my spelling), since 4 of the 5 cards is blue or turquoise. You can find all the challenges here.

So with that being said, here are the five cards I made last night. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Starla said...

You did great on all the challenges Melody!! ok...ok....just need to find a timer and make SOMETHING