Wednesday, March 21, 2012

creative chemistry 101 -day 3

Happy Wednesday, my friends.  It's another day of creative chemistry, an on-line class from Tim Holtz.  And I definitely had to get creative with a couple of the techniques today.  Today we did alcohol ink agates, archival resist, and reflections stamping. 

On the first technique, I used way too much ink and ended up with a muddy mess the first time.  Second and third were better, but I ended up with four tries before I was satisfied. 
For the second technique, I have a total of two colors of archival ink - jet black and sepia - not a good selection for this technique, but I decided to give it a go anyway, and I actually like how it turned out, even though it's quite a different look than what Tim had. 

For the third technique, I didn't have a stamp with backwards words, so I made a substitution with a background stamp. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I hope you're having a great week. 


Hetty said...

Lovely and cheerful tags, Melody! I like your take on the original ones.

Kathy Eddy said...

Great tags Mel. I have to go to my studio and do yesterday's and today's after I finish on here.

Kelli Collins said...

I am in class with you and I love your bird tag! It is amazing! :)

The Paper T'Art said...

Melody - I'm a fellow student 'chemist' - and I must say I totally love your tags. I'm off to the craft shop today to buy supplies so I can catch up on homework over the next couple of nights.

Anonymous said...

Wow Melody, these tags are beautiful! I cannot decode which one I like best

Barbara said...

Gorgeous! I'm going to have to improvise some, too, but I don't think I can be as creative as you!

Donna B. said...

These are beautiful! This class is fun!

Winnie said...

Great tags! I love the sepia resist. It turned out great!

purplecinn said...

Gorgeous Melody! Love them. I too am having trouble with the alcohol ink one lol... Will persevere!

Ibarra Creations 4U said...

Your tags are beautiful!!!!